Are these forms for me?
Is the Golf online registration form for you? Well, ehm, are you planning on organizing a tournament or a competition of sorts? This is an invaluable tool to gather each piece of information you require about every player to register. Ask them about everything you find mandatory, including how many home runs did they score on their beast season and what's the difference between a birdie and a boogie. Sorry, this isn't our field of work.
Are the templates customisable?
As much as each level of mini-golf. Some have a windmill, for some reason. Some others incorporate a little water pit or whatnot. This is the place for you to get your hands dirty aka creative to make sure the form looks exactly like you pictured it. Change the text font or the colors, edit questions and add some new ones. You can even include some images of successful golf players or (if you're making people pay to participate) allow for the payment through the form itself. Useful, user-friendly, godly tool.
How can I implement the registration form?
If you're a part of an organization with an already existing follower base, it will be easier for you to reach the audience. Pick up your customized sample of the registration form and embed it onto your website or social media page. If that's not the case, you might want to follow the same rules but on your personal Facebook (or Meta, for those on the wave of technology) or Instagram page. They remain the easiest way to get to as many players as possible.