Who would use a yoga therapy intake form?
Anyone who 1) teaches a yoga-like class, 2) cares about the people attending the class beyond the money they bring, and 3) has a developed sense of taste.
Why do I need this form?
It's easier to forward some emails or to post the form on your website than it is to ask one by one about the needs of each particular human. This alternative is a more comfortable, updated, and reliable option when it comes to making sure your clients are satisfied with the service and attention both you and the center provide.
What's the difference between regular yoga forms and intake ones?
The two of them share most of their characteristics. There's this place that says "Name" where people write their name, this place that says "Address" where... well, you get it. Plus, you can customize it as if it were your first SIMS couple.
The key difference is that the intake form tends to be more specific. Remember the "human decency" thing we talked about? Same thing here, but with even more decency. Know everything about your to-be students. Know whose knees hurt and who feels uncomfortable with exercising in pairs. They will never forget that someone else treasured them enough to worry about their needs and insecurities.